Single voters have spoken, and the presidential candidate they most want to see naked is -- drum roll, please -- Barack Obama.
And, in what is surely a more competitive race, the most visually unpleasant White House hopeful -- Ron Paul. (Somewhere, Dennis Kucinich is smiling.)
The results are part of a January 2008 survey of 900 single voters by Engage.com, a part of its "Every Single Vote" campaign to boost voter registration.
“Voting makes you sexier in the eye of a potential romantic,” says Trish McDermott, Engage's vice president of Love.
- Some of the findings:
- 85% of all singles are open to dating across party lines, with Republicans being more likely than Democrats to cross the political line for love.
- Thirty-eight percent of all singles surveyed said their vote is influenced by a candidate’s appearance.
- Singles are most likely to say the economy will be the important issue influencing their presidential choice, followed by the war in Iraq, and then healthcare.
src : weirdnews.about.com