Communal and co-ed nude bathing: for several Chinese minorities, nude bathing has long been a part of their traditions. It may not be purifying yourself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka, but here are the best five best places in China for nude bathing; you can leave those bathing suits at home..

5) Hmong Nude Bathing
Every year on the thirteenth day of the seventh lunar month, the Hmong celebrate their harvest with the Chixin Festival, meaning “eat the new.” Before the festival, the people all make sure that their cows and horses are well-fed and fat with meat. Girls wear their prettiest clothes and decorative hats. Young men are busy practicing their wood reed flutes. Chixin Festival also has a “love ceremony” that involves groups of three to five young men and women gathering together in one place and having fun…

4) Nude Bathing in “Imperial Hot Springs” with the De’ang Minority
In 1985, the De’ang minority was finally given a name. They live in western Yunnan (云南省) and are known for theirs customs of nude bathing and male/female communal bathing. The area is full of natural salt and coal springs. The largest spring, known as the Dragon Pool, enjoys the shade of an imposing, ancient pagoda tree. Amazingly, the 50-degree water has not only not destroyed the tree, but rather preserved it in a healthy, young state. The Dragon Pool got its name because the water flowing out of the pool looks like a dragon spitting. It was also the pool that only the highest officials were allowed to bathe in. The common folk and even low-level officials had to go to the other pools to bathe.
3) Chongqing Girls Nude Bathing Area
East Spring Village, located near the mountains in (重庆) Chongqing’s Ba’nan District, according to the local legend, has springs that can cure blindness. Some of the springs are in secluded areas, and people take advantage of the isolation to bathe naked. Having a history dating back to the Ming Dynasty, East Spring Village is now experiencing a large influx of tourists who want to try the local tradition of nude bathing themselves.

2) Mosuo Communal Bathing
The Mosuo (摩梭) believe that hot springs can cure diseases. They also use hot springs as meeting places. After a hard day’s work, three or four friends will meet up and eat, sing, and relax in a hot spring. During the Cultural Revolution, local officials thought this practice was uncivilized and they added walls to separate men and women. Over time, however, the Mosuo began taking down the walls until the point that they hardly existed. When the area was open for tourism in the 90s, the government forcibly separated male and female bathers. Eventually, the area was reopened for communal bathing after the government realized its value to the local Mosuo people.
1) Nu River Valley Hot Springs
The Nu River is simply full of hot spring areas. You can camp out in the area in tents the locals rent out for very cheap. The Lisu minority occupy this area, and they normally bathe in the hot springs. Men and women bathe at the same time and they believe that the water is sacred and can bring good fortune.
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bron: [27-8-2009]
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